Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hugs For Emmett Campaign

Here it is, guys! Hug away!



Ohh, and if you're a regular reader and you have no idea what's going on, go here:

Click itttt!!

Its a new Twilight forum. Bet you can't guess what my screenname is..Haha.


Anonymous said...

im gonna guess its rosaliehale.....
I was hug number 7, although it felt pretty gay hugging him....

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across this blog rather randomly, a couple of months back, I was hug 6, but I must ask, is there a larger point to this other than you were bored and tired?

Anonymous said...

that dude is from TN?

Kayy said...

Rosalie. why in the world would you make a "hugs for emmett" campaign when you could just go ext door? sheesh

Anonymous said...

I was hug number 19...anyways i found out Clinton Kelly is really gay!!!!! Check out his myspace sometime.. anyways im bored.
Love youu!!

Anonymous said...

hugs 7, 15 & 16, 20 & 21.
(it only lets me do two at a time.

You owe me a cookie for the minute ive wasted doing that....

Anonymous said...

Dearest Helen,

~love ya!

Anonymous said...

awww...i was coming to say it looks like im copying...

UPDATE!!!! I need 10 seconds of entertainment!

kelzer said...

hugs!! woot! i always wanted to "hug" him. lol ;D

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